I have relocated back to the north after spending time living and working in London. Previously, I founded and led an outstanding school in North London (One Degree Academy), and also worked as an ExecutivePrincipal in another Multi Academy Trust, working in both Primary and Secondary schools. I’m passionate about staff development, and know that a culture of continual improvement and a commitment among all staff to getting 'better every day' is absolutely key to the success of great schools. I’m excited to work with our schools and leaders to continue the journey of instilling that culture.
I have had the pleasure of visiting and spending time in all our BLP Schools over the last half term. I am very keen to understand the strengths and challenges as we look to keep improving outcomes for children and have been working with school leaders to get a sense of the priorities for our Trust. It’s been lovely to see our children working hard and having fun, back in the routine of learning after the disruptions of the past two years. Children from nursery right through to Year 13 have had an incredibly busy half term and I’ve been pleased to see staff working hard to ensure each child is well taught and supported with a combination of love, structure and high expectations. I want to personally thank parents and staff for their positivity and determination in a period of uncertainty.
Thank you too, to all families and students who responded positively to the changing requirements and guidance around Covid-19. We are constantly monitoring case numbers and working hard with colleagues from Leeds, the DfE and public health to reduce transmission rates. Where there are small outbreaks, schools have moved into contingency planning to reintroduce bubbles and masks and I appreciate your patience and support with those changes. We will continue to review the situation regarding Covid in consultation with colleagues from Public Health and the senior team at your child’s school, updating risk assessments where necessary in response to changing case numbers locally and nationally. It is important to note that we may at some point in the future have to request that changes are made around face coverings, drop off times and other measures if transmission rates rise and I thank you in advance for your patience regarding this.
Our BLP senior leaders and staff are determined to work together across our schools to continue to improve our provision and the outcomes for our children. For example, work has begun on developing, aligning and improving school systems so that all children receive a great education, no matter which BLP school they attend. Another key component of our emerging strategy is to ensure that we are providing students with the best subject curriculum we possibly can, exceeding the expectations of the national curriculum and the exam board specifications. I will keep you updated on our priorities through the year as they take shape.
I am privileged to lead The Brigshaw Learning Partnership in our mission to enable lives of choice and opportunity and to support our students to make a positive contribution to the world we share. I will strive to do my upmost to serve our children and ensure that we continue to live by our core values of Integrity,Resilience and Tolerance. Thank you for all you do to support the students and staff in our schools; I know being a parent is not easy, especially over the past two years, but we also know the most rewarding achievements in life are not easy to come by.